My blog has reached 100,000 hits!!

After being on WordPress for only sixth months (I started in March) my blog has amassed 100,000 hits of which over 2000 comments were made.





On top of that I have reached a whopping 111,222 followers, which wonderfully expands the coverage of my posts.



Finally my ‘About’ alone has 762 likes…



I know that these stats are practically miniscule compared to the viral blogs out there but I am happy that my writing has been viewed and appreciated by many. Of the 2000 comments, the overwhelming majority have been positive (there are the occasional bad comments but that’s music to my ears).


I hope to keep writing and thanks for your encouragement, to all who have read!!



61 thoughts on “My blog has reached 100,000 hits!!

  1. Just 6 months?

    WOW, I am only in my first month and I don’t even estimate I will get that many views and followers. Amazing!

    Are you famous and do you network a lot? Am looking forward to advice.

  2. It’s interesting! How did you get so many subscribers? Did they just ‘happen’ or did you work for them so to speak? Do you promote your blog or does the traffic come just like that? How many visits do you get on average per day?

    That’s a lot of questions, but it would be great to know what worked for you!

  3. Thats’ super awesome. How did you make it?! Any advice? I have my blog open from july and I haven’t reached much. Only few hundred and I don’t know what to do to rech more audience. I did all that stuff: ping backs, sharing on twitter, facebook, so on.

  4. Congratulations. Impressive stats, and I know you put a lot of work into getting them! One day, when my blog is all grown up, I’m going to have lots of views and followers, too 😉

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